Soft cover books

What books do we make?

The best quality books, out of FSC certified paper, with lots of options, fast

We are a direct European, FSC certified manufacturer of books. We offer graphic design and production of books in numerous options. Our customers are individals as well as publishing houses  and manufacturers and distributors of various products who issue books meant to support the sales of their products.

We are elastic, fast and experienced in cooperating with individuals, marketing and sales  departaments, product and services managers.We offer graphic design of the cover and the inside pages of the book.

The product can be fully customized in terms of size, sort of paper, printing method and colours, refinements, binding and confection.

We offer offset and digital printing in 1 colour, cmyk or Pantone colours. Different personalizations such as: individual numbering, dedication or coding is possible.

The following, below  options are available. However if you do not find anything of your interest do not hesitate to ask directly via email message.

We do make customized samples before the serial production.


  • Soft cover, also with the folded wings
  • Hard cover
  • Refinements available: lamination glossy or matt, including softtouch lamination,
  • selective uv lacquer, gold or silver foil hotstamping, embossing

Individual insides:

  • individual graphics or text on each page,
  • 1 colour or cmyk or Pantone printed,
  • many options for the inside paper


  • Stiched binding
  • Book binding: sewn-glued binding, pur glued binding
  • Spiral binding

So as to receive a fast and adequate calculation please let us know the following required parameters which have the major impact on the price:

  • size in mm and orientation: vertical or horizontal
  • type of paper uncoated, coated, approximate thickness of the inside pages  and the cover
  • colours of printing
  • kind of prefferable folding or binding
  • eventual refinements  and required packaging
  • number of exemplairs and eventual mutations

Have a look & let us know what custom book you need

See custom printed books we manufactured recently


Years of Experience



3 M+
